ARTIST: Lois Teicher DATE: N/A TYPE: Sculpture MEDIUM: N/A ABOUT: My journey as an artist has led me to search and understand the fundamental structure of the Universe. As I evolved as an artist I became aware of basic essential concepts, such as the existence of Time/Space continuum, and the relationship between shape and space, space and shape. Simultaneously other basic essential ideas are at play, such as duality held in dynamic tension, motion and energy. These ideas are interpreted and restated into three dimensional forms. Themes used in my work flow directly from my search to understand and connect to the universal. My intention with both avenues of expression, i.e. public and private sculpture, is to express ideas in the visual language, hoping that the viewer would notice, reflect upon, become aware of, and share in the experience. LOCATION: Saginaw Valley State University, 7400 Bay Rd, University Center, MI 48710 |